MSI are thrilled to to have been upgraded to two-star accreditation from Best Companies in recognition of our outstanding levels of workplace engagement.
Our rating is based entirely on feedback from our staff, showing that they are engaged and positive about working for MSI Group. Our employees feel proud to work for us and believe they can make a valuable contribution to the success of MSI Group.
In addition, this year MSI have earned a place on the following lists:
Top 100 mid-sized companies to work for
Recruitment's top 40 best companies to work for
London's top 50 mid-sized companies to work for
We're looking forward to finding out our exact position on 21st May.
If you’re interested in exploring a rewarding new career with MSI Group, get in touch with our Internal Recruitment team on +44 (0) 8458 999 700 or send your CV to careers@msigroupltd.com.